My Friend Izzy


I’m scared. I’m about to start High School, and I really need a fresh start. I want to be myself, I want to make new friends, I want a fresh start. So… I walk through the door and into my homeroom. I sit next to a pretty girl with long brown hair. She smiles at me, I smile back, and from there we become friends. We introduce ourselves and share our schedules- “We have almost every class together!” she says. I feel a wave of relief come over me because I made a friend. Our teacher calls role, its alphabetical order.

“Shammo”, “Here” I respond. “Then Shinn”, “Here” she responds. Our names are next to eachother, and so we were next to eachother in every class. Thank God they seat us alphabetically, that way I know I always have my friend nearby.


We remain close friends all throughout freshman year, but as COVID comes we begin to drift apart. But, we never stopped being friends. Sophomore, Junior, Senior year – she’d smile or wave, I’d do the same back. I sat behind her in Statistics. She’d turn around “Er, do you get this?” and normally I’d respond “I have no idea” and we’d laugh.


But I’m scared again. I’m about to graduate High School, and I really don’t know how to do it without you, Izzy. The first friend I made at Wood. Why are you not here? I don’t understand why I am graduating without you. I have to write a speech for Baccalaurate Mass and I have no clue what to write about, but I know I want to honor you. So, here’s a portion of my speech, the message that I wanted to leave, and your memory that I strive to keep alive:

“I’d like to share a particular phrase that resonated with me this year, because the biggest lesson I learned was how important it is to love one another.

“Tell your friends you love them” – This is a phrase I am sure all my classmates have seen or heard of. “Tell your friends you love them.” On December 6th of this past year, we lost someone dear to us, one of our very own classmates. We learned of this tragic event right here in school. On December 6th, I was home, ill, and couldn’t be with all of you. I sat in bed, just wishing to be with everyone else. I felt this sense of love and community that I didn’t think about before. I thought about Isabella and our memories together. But I also thought about many of you and how badly I wanted to be together in this dark time, but I couldn’t. There wasn’t a way to reach out to all of you at once, so I did what any teenager would do and went on social media. First, going onto Pinterest, I immediately saw a photo on my feed that said, “Tell your friends you love them.” So I saved it and reposted it on my Instagram Story. Not too long after, I got a few text messages from friends saying, “I love you .” Later, returning to Instagram, I saw those friends reposted the image to their story. I felt so happy that this saying had an impact on my friends. But then, Each time I checked Instagram, more and more people had also reposted it. The message began to spread among people from our class, other grades, and other schools. “Tell your friends you love them.”

I would do anything to tell Iz I love her in person, but I’m too late. That’s why I want to remind whoever may be reading this to be grateful for the life that you have, to give thanks to God, to love with all your heart, and to please always remember to tell your friends and family that you love them because you never know when the last time will be.”

Present Day

Izzy, I’m not scared anymore. I’m about to start college and I’m taking you with me. I have your picture framed for my desk, I have a bracelet and keychain with your name, I have my scrapbooks full of pictures and memories, and I always have you in my heart and on my mind. You’re like my guardian angel now. So please continue to watch over me and help me remind others to drive safely.

I also left a little piece of you where we spent the most fun times together, Art class! A ceiling tile that I painted your Isabella’s Imprint logo on, hangs right above where me, you, and Mikayla used to sit. When new students look up, I am sure Mrs. Tams will tell them all about what a wonderful and talented artist you were!

It has been such an honor to know you Izzy. A girl with an incredible work ethic, a contagious laugh, and the prettiest long brown hair. Every time I am asked about my bracelet I will tell the story of my friend, who died tragically but who heroically saved lives through the gift of organ donation.

I’ll see you soon Iz, and until then, I love you -Er


Touched By An Angel


A Beautiful Light